About Us

We are a cheeky mother-daughter duo, Lou Lou and Daisy. Together we run Felt Wildly.
Being able to join forces as a team has been a dream come true for us craft fanatics. We love spending our time together, creating and making all sorts of creations, all the while eating chocolate with a cuppa!
Lou Lou – The Fun & Fluffy One
Mummy Lou Lou’s introduction to the fibre world was through wet felting - and it was love at first sight! From creating wet felted vessels, to needle felting pieces of art, there is nothing this lady won’t try her hand at. Having a background in marketing and PR has proven an invaluable asset to Felt Wildly. Her previous work offering holistic therapies has only strengthened her belief that crafting is truly one of life’s greatest therapies.

Daisy – The Friendly & Felty One
Daughter Daisy’s first felt crush appeared in the form of creating Christmas decorations from sheets of felt. The little handmade Gingerbread man still makes his way onto the tree every year. Daisy has continued to play with needle felting in Lou Lou’s craft room ever since. This bubbly and enthusiastic crafter has a varied professional background; from admin, to hospitality, hairdressing, teaching, and even having her own Etsy page to sell her own creations - she’s brought along her polished skills in customer service and
her love of being creative. She has started running needle felt workshops to introduce and welcome others to this wonderful craft.
Felt Wildly orignally known as Claire's Crafts was inherited by us from our dear departed friend, Claire Vines.
Felt Wildly, originally known as Claire’s Crafts Create, was inherited by us from our dear departed friend, Claire Vines. The business began humbly as a part-time, travelling stall at craft fairs round the country until it eventually resided full time in a bricks and mortar shop in Horncastle, Lincolnshire. As was the case for many small businesses, Covid ’19 had a drastic impact on the running of C.C.C., and so the ever-entrepreneurial Claire moved into the online retail hemisphere, and here the website that you are currently visiting was born. Claire worked her tucas off for nearly 4 years, building C.C.C. into the flourishing crafting supplies business that it is today. It would not be the enterprise it is without her hard work, generosity of spirit and unwavering passion. Claire passed away quite unexpectedly and suddenly at the beginning of 2022. She was a lady who enjoyed life, worked hard and played harder. We hope to continue in her tradition.

To find out more about the origin story you can read Lou Lou's blog post My Friend Claire. You can still purchase one of Claire's carefully crafted creations from our shop.
Wishing you all lots of happy and creative felting!
Felt Wildly is a one stop online shop that aims to cater for the needle felting needs of both beginners and experienced felters. If there’s something you are looking for that isn’t on our website, please ask and we will do our best to source it for you.
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